Our Constitution

Adopted 2-19-2014

Updated 10-05-21


By God’s grace, we have repented of our sins and trusted Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We believe it is His will for His children to gather in local churches, and therefore we join together under the following name, purpose, affirmation of commitment, declaration of faith, and bylaws to which we voluntarily submit.




A. Name

The name of this organization, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, shall be GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, hereafter referred to as GFC.


B. Purpose

The purpose of GFC is to glorify God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ. As a corporation, GFC is a not-for-profit, religious and charitable organization. GFC will accomplish this purpose through providing worship services, Bible teaching, discipleship, administering baptism and communion, caring for its members, and sending out local and global missionaries. All of our programs and methodologies are to be governed by the patterns and commands for the local church revealed by God in the Bible.


C. Affirmation of Commitment (Membership) 

We believe that all Christian believers are called to join with one another in committed fellowship within a local church. We joyfully commit to God and to one another, as we are enabled by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, to live according to the whole counsel of God’s Word, the Bible.


We affirm our commitment to the following:

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to repent, believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and profess our complete allegiance to Him, having been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, the angels and this church, most solemnly and joyfully commit ourselves to one another as one body in Christ (Acts 2:38, Mark 9:23, John 11:26 Heb.11:6, John 1:12-13, I Pet. 2:6, Matt. 28:19-20, Romans 8:1).

May the Lord help us to and put our full confidence in everything God has revealed in the pages of Scripture. Until Christ returns, the Bible is our only final authority for all matters of faith and life (Deut. 12:32, Psalm 138:2, Prov. 30:5-6, 2 Tim 3:14-17).


May the Lord help us to pray for the unity of the Spirit and for peace, and by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, and if necessary, lay down our lives for another (1 Cor 13:1-13, Eph. 4:1-6, John 13:34, John 15:13).


May the Lord help us to seek the salvation of our family members, friends and strangers who have not repented of their sins and trusted Christ; to be in prayer for the spiritual awakening of the lost in our community, and to be a faithful witness of the gospel both here and to the remotest part of the earth (Matt. 28:19, Luke 24:44-48, Acts 1:3-8, Gen 12:3).


May the Lord help us to prioritize the call, given to us by God, to care for, bless, and minister to our family members. In our various family situations this will mean seeking to honor and bless our parents, love our siblings, prioritize our spouses, and serve as the primary spiritual shepherds of our children and grandchildren (Gen. 18:18-19, Ex. 20:12, Deut. 6:5-7, Psalm 78, Malachi 2:13-16, Malachi 4:6, Acts 2:38-39, Eph. 5:22-33, Eph. 6:1-4, Col. 3:18-21, Titus 1:6).


May the Lord help us to use our gifts to serve and bless this church family and to submit to its leaders as they are faithful to Christ (Hebrews 10:24-25, Hebrews 13:17-18, I Thess.5:12-15).


May the Lord help us to contribute our finances, cheerfully and regularly to support the church, to the relief of the poor, and to the spread of the Gospel through all nations (I Cor. 9:1-27, Prov. 15:15, Job 34:19, Matt. 5:3, Mark 10:21, Luke 4:18).


May the Lord help us to not neglect meeting together for corporate worship or Christ-centered fellowship with one another in our homes (Hebrews 10:25, Hebrews 5:5, Acts 2:42-47).


May the Lord help us to maintain family and private devotions; to educate our children in the Christian faith and demonstrate the love of Christ in all of our household relationships (Eph. 6:1-4, Psalm 78, Deut. 6:1-9).


May the Lord help us to love one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; and to keep ourselves from being polluted by the world (Matt 19:15-20, Col. 2:9-10, Eph.5:1-2, Eph. 6:18, James 2).


May the Lord help us to abstain from gluttony, drunkenness, illicit drugs, sexual immorality, and entertainments which jeopardize our own or another's faith (Psalm 1:1-6, Eph. 5:3-12, Col: 3:1-17, II Cor. 12:20, Romans 1:30, Lev. 19:16, Eccl. 10:11, Galatians 5:21, Deuteronomy 21:20, 1 Corinthians 6:10, Proverbs 23:21, Psalm 101:1-2).


May the Lord help us to strive to avoid all gossip and unrighteous anger. We desire to be slow to take offense. We desire to think the best of one another and be ready for biblical reconciliation (Psalm 19:14, Psalm 34:13-14, Eph. 4:29, I Peter 3:8-12, Matt. 5:21-26, Titus 3:10, Prov. 26:20-26).


May the Lord help us, if necessary, submit to biblically defined and regulated church discipline for the purpose of reconciliation with God and one another (Matt. 18:15:20, Heb. 12:11, 1 Cor. 5:1-13, 1 John 2:19, 1 Timothy 1:20, 2 Cor. 2:1-11, Luke 17:4).

We eagerly look forward to receiving and participating in the mission, encouragement, teaching, blessing, protection, and fellowship of this body.



All members shall affirm their belief and commitment to the doctrines of the Christian faith as summarized in the GFC Statement of Faith.


In subscribing to these articles of faith, we by no means set aside, or undervalue, any other doctrines or teachings of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. This statement reflects our best understanding of Scripture and the need for doctrinal clarity leading to harmony within this body of believers. Humble, good-natured deference, a wholesome respect for the opinions and conscience of others in doctrinal matters, and a commitment to the Scriptures being the final authority for faith and practice will characterize any dialogue pertaining to genuine differences.




A. Church Government

We believe that this local body is a visible manifestation of the one holy Church, governed by God. Therefore, the government of this body must be determined but by the commands and patterns for the local church given by God in the Bible. We believe the Scriptures teach that the local church must be governed by a plurality of pastors (elders), and the ministry of the pastors (elders) is to be supported by the ministry of deacons. The specific roles for the offices of pastor and deacon are described below. We believe the New Testament terms ““elder,” and “overseer” are interchangeable and refer to the same office.

Authority for the establishment of doctrine and practices beyond those found in this Constitution and for the daily operation of the church is vested in the pastors, who shall strive to maintain the harmony and collaboration with the congregation seen in the New Testament. 


While we desire to build close spiritual relationships with other biblical churches, no other governing bodies may exercise authority over or within this church.  Any association of this church with other individuals, churches, or groups of churches will be considered voluntary. Such relationships may be severed at any time if they are considered by the pastors in any way harmful to this body.

B. Church Officers

Gospel Fellowship Church is led by multiple pastors (also called elders) who shepherd the church through prayer, preaching, care, and oversight. We do not have a senior pastor, instead responsibility and authority are shared (Titus 1:5-9). In partnership with the pastors, our deacons focus on meeting the practical needs of the congregation (Acts 6:1-6).  The local church only has two offices, pastor (elder) and deacons. 


     1. Pastors (Elders)

          A. Roles of pastors (elders)

The practice of shared pastoral leadership by qualified men is both well attested and widespread (Acts 14:23; 15:2,4; 20:17,28; Phil 1:1; 1 Tim 3:1-7, 5:17; James 1:1, with 5:14-15; 1 Peter 1:1, with 5:1).  God called the early Christians to establish multiple pastors in every church (Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5, 1 Tim 3:1-7, 14-15, 5:21).  In the New Testament, the titles of pastor (or shepherd), elder, and overseer (or bishop) are interchangeable and all refer to one office/role, which we refer to as “pastor” (1 Tim 3:1-2; 5:17; Titus 1:5,7; Acts 20:17,28; 1 Peter 5:1-2).

Pastors serve together and share the responsibilities as shepherds in the local church (Acts 20:28, 1 Pet 5:2).  They shepherd the people of God as a steward of Jesus Christ the Chief Shepherd by caring for them, teaching them, defending them, and leading them to become mature in Christ, to do the work of the ministry, and to advance the gospel for the glory of God.  Pastors partner together, in accordance with their gifts, and share the following responsibilities.

               1. Pastors preach and teach the Bible

Pastors must be committed to the inerrancy, authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency of the Bible, and be able to clearly, and persuasively teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict it. The task of the pastors, over time, is to teach the whole counsel of God. Exegetical, expository Bible teaching is at the heart of the pastor’s responsibility to disciple, nurture, equip, and feed the church (Acts 2:42, Acts 20:27, Titus 1:9, 1 Tim. 3:2, 1 Tim 4:13).

The responsibility to preach and teach God’s Word is hard work, and worthy of respect and honor from the congregation (1 Tim. 5:17-18).

               2. Pastors pray

Pastors are leaders in prayer. They set the example for prayer in their personal lives, in their marriages, and in their families. They follow Christ, lead their families, and lead the church in a spirit of prayer (Acts 6:4, 1 Tim. 3:4).

               3. Pastors care for the congregation

As good shepherds, pastors care for the church. They lovingly seek after those who are going astray, visit and pray for the sick and hurting, and biblically govern the church’s finances to care for the poor (James 5:14, Acts 20:35, 1 Tim. 5:9-16)

               4. Pastors protect the church

Because false teachers can enter the church, Pastors are responsible to faithfully uphold the plain teaching of Scripture and refute those who contradict it (Acts 15:6-21, Acts 10:17-31, Titus 1:9).


Pastors lead any process of church discipline for the dual purpose of leading people to repentance and protecting the church from sin and division (1 Thess. 5:12).

               5. Pastors lead

Pastors are responsible to humbly lead and oversee the ministry of the local church. They are to function as God’s servant stewards and seek to lead with love and courage. Pastors are ultimately responsible for the church’s decisions (doctrinal, ministry, financial, etc). Pastors serve with and oversee the ministry of the deacons. In all decisions, pastors must not be domineering and are responsible to seek vision, wisdom, and counsel from God’s Word (John 10:12, Acts 20:31, 1 Tim. 5:17a, Titus 1:1, 1 Peter 5:1-2).

          B. Qualifications for pastors (elders):  See Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7

          C. Appointment of pastors (elders):

               1. As the office of pastor in the New Testament was for men, the same is true at GFC. GFC will seek to create an active, dynamic, and passionate culture of discipling men toward maturity in Christ. As men are discipled, we believe they will actively seek spiritual leadership both at church and at home.

               2. The pastor appointment process begins when a man expresses his desire to serve as an pastor. Lord willing, this desire comes from a humble, genuine desire to use the gifts God has given him to lead and bless the church (1 Tim 3:1). Pastors may also select qualified men and call them to prayerfully consider serving in this role (1 Tim 3:1, Acts 6:2-3.)

               3. Existing pastors will meet with the prospective pastor and, if possible his family. The goal is to get to know him, and consider his moral and spiritual fitness for serving, based on the qualifications noted above. Pastors may provide opportunities to help prospective pastors explore and evaluate their gifts. More than one meeting may be needed Appointing pastors is a process that takes time and care (1 Timothy 5:22-25, 3:10). It will likely include intentional pastoral discipleship and equipping (2 Tim 2:2). (1 Timothy 3:10 speaks of deacons, but applies in principle to pastors in the larger context of the passage).

               4. If the pastors prayerfully decide to continue the process, the congregation will be informed of the prospective pastor’s desire to serve. This is not a popularity contest, but rather a serious process by which members of the church affirm those who desire to serve as pastors, or identify clear reasons why the candidate does not meet one or more of the biblical requirements. Members will be given a period of time, not less than two weeks, to provide feedback and input to the pastors regarding the pastor nominee.

               5. With prayer and fasting, a prospective pastor will be appointed with a 2/3 vote of the existing pastors and a vote of the members (according to Sub-section D of these Bylaws) where 2/3 of all votes received approve the appointment(Acts 6:2, Acts 14:23, 1 Tim 5:22). In case of there only being two existing pastors, both pastors must vote to approve the appointment of one or more new pastors.


               6. New pastors are to be appointed in the midst of the congregation with prayer and with the laying on of hands. This appointment does not elevate a pastor to a priestly or clerical class, but simply affirms and appoints him into his role as pastor within the church (1 Timothy 4:14, 5:22)

          D. Practical pastor (elder) ministry

               1. Pastors are encouraged and welcome to serve for any length of time according to the Lord's calling and the congregation's ongoing affirmation of their ministry.

               2. Pastors share in shepherding all members of the church. A number of families/individuals will be assigned to each pastor, and in partnership with one or more deacons, that pastor will seek to build discipleship relationships with those families/individuals. Some pastors may shepherd more individuals and families than other pastors, and the pastors may assist one another in their shepherding responsibilities.

               3. Pastors work together to share in the preaching and teaching of the Bible (on Sundays and other discipleship gatherings). Pastors may appoint others to preach and teach.

               4. Pastors work together, serving with the deacons, to provide oversight for the various ministries and functions of the church – ie men’s ministry, women’s ministry, financial, and logistical. Different pastors may have greater or lesser roles in these additional areas based upon their gifts, passions, and availability.

               5. Pastors are responsible for the development of the church’s annual budget. Pastors are free to utilize the gifts and skills of others in this process. The fiscal year shall run from January 1 through December 31. The proposed budget shall be presented to the church members no later than Dec. 1 of each calendar year. The members are encouraged to provide input and feedback to the proposed budget. The budget is to be approved by a majority vote of the members (according to Sub-section D of these Bylaws)  and majority vote of the pastors prior to January 1. During an active budget year, increasing a budgeted expense line by more than 25% requires a majority vote of the pastors. If proposed changes increase the overall expense budget by 15%, the proposed changes must be approved by a majority vote of the membership (according to Sub-section D of these Bylaws).

               6. Some pastors may be paid on a part or full-time basis. Information regarding the amount of financial compensation given to pastors (along with any other paid or compensated members or staff of the church) will be available to church members. Financial compensation for pastors or staff should be included in the regular budgeting process, or formal amendment process. Pastors who may be paid do not have greater authority or position among the pastors. Pastors shall be equal in ruling status, authority, and title, though they may fulfill different roles.

     2. Deacons


          A. Roles of deacons

          Deacons are given the responsibility to coordinate the practical care and support for members of the church who are in need. Deacons function as a team of equals, provide care within a biblical framework, are “ministers of mercy”, and serve under the oversight of the pastors.


               1. Deacons coordinate the church’s support of the church members in financial need. Deacons participate in the collection, organization, and just distribution of money and resources specifically allocated to help the poor within the church. (Acts 4:34-35).

               2. Deacons coordinate the church’s support of widows. According to the principles in 1 Timothy 5, deacons manage the church’s corporate response in response to the needs of widows.

               3. Deacons coordinate the church’s support of those with special needs. God’s people are given special instructions to care for orphans (James 1:27) and those with special needs within the local church (1 Corinthians 12:22-26). Special needs may include, but are not limited to, providing appropriate care and support for those within the church who are: single parents, struggling with sickness or disability, grieving, lonely, etc.

     Examples may include but are not limited to:

  • Coordinating meals for families with new babies
  • Helping a single parent move
  • Coordinating benevolence needs
  • Developing and leading long-range plans to help people in crisis


          B. Qualifications for deacons:  See 1 Timothy 3:8-13

          C. Appointment of deacons:

          Gospel Fellowship Church will seek to create an active, dynamic, and passionate culture of discipling men toward maturity in Christ. As men are discipled, we believe they will actively seek spiritual leadership both at church and at home.


               1. The deacon appointment process begins when a man expresses his desire to serve as a deacon. Lord willing, this desire comes from a humble, genuine desire to use the gifts God has given him to lead and bless the church (1 Tim 3:1). Pastors may also select qualified men and call them to prayerfully consider serving in this role. (1 Tim 3:1, Acts 6:2-3).

               2. The pastors meet with the prospective deacon and his family, to get to know him, and consider his moral and spiritual fitness for serving, based on the qualifications noted above. More than one meeting may be needed (1 Timothy 3:10, Acts 6:2-3).

               3. If the pastors prayerfully decide to continue the process, the church members should be informed of the prospective deacon’s desire to serve. This is not a popularity contest, but rather a serious process by which members of the church affirm those who desire to serve as deacons, or identify clear reasons why the candidate does not meet one or more of the biblical requirements (Acts 6:5).


               4. With prayer and fasting, the pastors make a final determination on whether or not the prospective deacon should be appointed. Deacons will be appointed with a majority vote from the pastors. In case of their only being two existing pastors, both pastors must vote to approve the appointment of one or more new deacons.  (Acts 6:3, Acts 14:23, 1 Tim 5:22).

               5. New deacons are to be appointed in the midst of the congregation with prayer and with the laying on of hands (Acts 6:6). This appointment does not elevate a deacon to a priestly or clerical class, but simply affirms and appoints him into his role as deacon within the church.

          D. Practical Deacon Ministry

All members of the church share the calling and burden of caring for one another, but the deacons serve in an official capacity to coordinate, organize, and ensure that those in need are being served and supported.

               1. Deacons not only see that needs are being adequately met, they also lead the process of strategizing and stabilizing the long term benevolence care needs of people in the church as needed.  The goal is to help transition people with greater needs to a place of stability and self-reliance.

               2. A pastor may request the help from one or more deacons to provide care for someone within the church.

               3. Deacons are responsible to keep the pastors informed of care situations, and approval for financial distribution must be given by the primary pastor partnering with that deacon. Individual distributions over $1000 require a majority vote of all the pastors.

               4. Deacons are encouraged and welcome to serve for any length of time according to the Lord's calling and the congregation's affirmation of their ministry.

               5. While a deacon may choose to volunteer in one of these areas, deacons are not facility managers, website developers, accountants, tech coordinators, etc. These are important, and sometimes necessary roles within the church, and as needed these roles should be filled by volunteers, committee teams, or paid staff. The New Testament office of deacon was focused on personal ministry of care and compassion to those in need within the church.


     3. Pastor / Deacon Meetings: 

          Pastors and deacons meet regularly to:

          1.  Pray for one another.

          2.  Assess new & ongoing benevolence care needs.

          3.  Discuss Sunday fellowship time and logistics.

          4.  Provide input regarding church leadership decisions.


     4. Removal of Pastors (elders) and Deacons

If anyone believes a pastor or deacon may be morally or doctrinally unfit for his office he is to first approach that pastor/deacon individually (Matt. 18:15), and then, if necessary, with one or two others (Matt. 18:16). The goal of these meetings would be the healing of relationships and, if appropriate, repentance and confession. If the concern is not resolved, the individual, with the two or three witnesses, should come to the other pastor (s) and present the matter (1 Tim. 5:19).

If the charges, through careful investigation, are sustained by a majority vote of the other pastor (s), then the offending pastor, depending on the gravity of the charges and the response to the correction, will be rebuked in the presence of the congregation (1 Tim. 5:20), or will be removed from the office of pastor (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Tit. 1:5-9), or both.

C. Church Membership

Any individual, professing faith in Christ, having been baptized, affirming GFC Statement of Faith, and agreeing to be governed by GFC’s Constitution, may be considered a candidate for membership. While we do not find the phrase “church membership” in the New Testament, the early Christians identified themselves with particular local churches. We affirm the biblical principles and patterns as we see the early Christians:

  • Growing in their faith, in fellowship with one another, under the shepherding of particular pastors. (Hebrews 13:17, Acts 20:28)
  • Worshipping each Sunday with a particular group of believers (Romans 16:5).
  • Resolving conflict with the help and support of fellow believers and particular pastors from their local church (Matthew 18:15-17).
  • Removing members of their local church in cases of unrepentant sin (1 Corinthians 5:12-13).
  • Supporting specific pastors who are teaching the Bible their local church (1 Thess. 5:12-13).
  • Loving one another as a witness to the world that we are disciples of Jesus (John 17:21-23, Acts 5:12-13).


Those interested in membership will complete the membership process specified by the pastors, which will include meetings with one or more pastors for group teaching and/or personal discipleship. Prospective members must affirm the biblical doctrines of the Christian faith as explained in the GFC Statement of Faith.

The pastors will communicate to church members the names of all candidates for membership. If members have a serious moral concern about a candidate which would preclude Christian fellowship, they are urged to inform the pastors of their opinion.


New members will be received upon a majority vote of the pastors, and new members will publicly read the Affirmation of Commitment to the congregation as a part of a worship service.  A person’s membership with GFC is considered active after they have completed this public ceremony, or by public recognition if special circumstances prevent the person from being at the ceremony.

The pastors may maintain a membership list, including names, dates of birth, with yes/no entries for baptism, profession of faith, and statement of good standing. This membership list is not to be confused with a general church directory.


Members and/or regular participants in GFC ministries who continue in willful sin, divisive behavior, and/or the teaching and promotion of deviant (unorthodox) doctrine will result in discipline with the goal of restoration. If necessary, the unrepentant will be removed from membership (if Member) and/or asked to no longer participate in GFC’s ministries (refer to the external document, "Church Discipline/Restoration at GFC)."

GFC will not accept a transfer of membership into this body for one who is under an active process of biblical discipline in another biblical church.  Moreover, should a member decide to leave GFC for another church during the church discipline process, the church reserves the right to notify the new church of the underlying cause for church discipline in accordance with our biblical beliefs.


Members of the church agree to submit any legal dispute with the church for mediation before a mutually agreed-upon mediator, or if none can be agreed upon, one selected by Peacemaker Ministries. Lawsuits between believers, or threats of lawsuits between believers, are a matter of grave concern for the church, are contrary to biblical and church teaching, and mediation is an effort to resolve disputes in a biblical fashion (1 Cor. 6:1-7).

Only members age 18 years and older are eligible to participate in congregational votes and only after completing the membership process described above.

After an appropriate period of time, regular attenders will be encouraged to pursue formal membership so that they can fully share in the Gospel purpose of this church.

We welcome into membership those who can affirm our statement of faith on baptism but who also accept the covenantal view of infant baptism, understanding that 1) in no way does baptism impart grace, regeneration, forgiveness, or salvation to the one being baptized and 2) GFC only teaches and practices the baptism of believers.


A member may withdraw their membership with GFC by providing one or more pastors with a written or electronic communication regarding their decision to withdraw membership.   If a member stops attending regularly, pastors reserve the right to remove them from the membership role.


Transfer of membership from GFC to another Bible-believing church may be requested by any member. The member should provide the pastors of GFC with the reason for their request. The pastors will then issue a letter to the leaders of the new church indicating that the member is in good standing at GFC.


D. Meetings


     1. Officers meetings

The officers of the church are to meet together at convenient and set times to provide competent leadership for the congregation.

     2. Member meetings and voting

Whenever a membership vote is required, a quorum shall consist of greater than fifty percent of voting members being represented. By definition, votes conducted by email always achieves a quorum because all members are available to respond with a vote. 


Any action/matter that requires a member vote will be passed with a majority of all votes received, as described below, unless stated otherwise by the church constitution or bylaws.  Notice of any vote will be given at least 7 days in advance, with a definitive vote deadline, and will be made easily available to the voting members (church bulletin, letter or email sent to voting members, etc.).  A member meeting may also be scheduled to provide more information and exchange feedback about the matter prior to the voting deadline.  An emergency vote, for matters of urgency that cannot wait 7 days after notice, may be called if required by the pastors.


Matters requiring a member vote will be conducted in one of two ways:


a). Email:  Typically, a member vote will be conducted by email where members are asked to reply with their vote.  For family units consisting of more than one member (such as a husband and wife), it is preferred that each GFC member submit their electronic vote individually.  If an email vote response represents the vote of both a husband and a wife, who are both members, that must be specified in the email response.  It is preferred that members submit their votes via reply email, though submitting a vote to a GFC pastor via text or writing before the vote deadline is acceptable. Proxy votes, meaning a member is voting on behalf of another member, must be approved by a majority of the pastors and must involve special circumstances that prevented the member from voting directly themselves.


b). Member Meeting:  In the event a member vote is conducted at a duly called meeting, absentee voting for a member unable to attend the meeting will require approval by the majority of the pastors.  If an absentee vote is approved, it will be counted for the purposes of a quorum.  Proxy votes, meaning a member is voting on behalf of another member, must also be approved by a majority of the pastors and must involve special circumstances that prevented the member from being present at the meeting or obtaining approval for an absentee vote.  If a proxy vote is approved, it will be counted for the purposes of quorum.


E. Marriage

We welcome the opportunity to perform wedding ceremonies for couples who believe in Christ. We reject homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture (Romans 1) and call on all our people to minister pastorally and sensitively to all irrespective of sexual orientation and to condemn irrational fear of homosexuals. We further cannot advise the legitimizing or blessing of same sex unions, nor the ordination of those involved in such unions. 


Believing that homosexual acts are incompatible with Holy Scripture, we the pastors and deacons of GFC refuse to perform or allow to be performed any ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions and further refuse to recognize the ordination or ministerial status of any practicing homosexual.

Engaged couples seeking GFC to officiate their wedding are required to sign GFC’s Wedding Policy.

F. Property and Financial Policy

This church shall have the right to own, buy, or sell tangible properties both real (via trust or other legal means) and personal in its name and through properly elected and instructed officers.

Pastors, deacons, and church members who make financial decisions on behalf of GFC shall follow the financial guidelines and policies as adopted by the pastors (Separate document).

G. Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of this church, all of its tangible assets and holdings shall be distributed to such other existing church(es) or Christian ministries, which would be in agreement with the principles of this constitution and GFC’s Statement of Faith. All decisions in this event will be made by a majority of voting members of GFC (according to Sub-section D of these Bylaws).. 

H. Officers and employees

In order to meet requirements of incorporation within the state of Illinois, the pastors shall serve as directors and appoint officers at their discretion. Employees must first become members of GFC.


I. Revisions and Amendments

Revisions and/or amendments to this constitution or the GFC statement of faith may be made as the pastors deem necessary. A 2/3 vote of the pastors followed by a  vote of the members (according to Sub-section D of these Bylaws) where 2/3 of all votes received approve the revisions and/or amendments is required to make any changes to this constitution or the statement of faith. In case of their only being two existing pastors, both pastors must vote to approve a change to the constitution. The congregation shall be informed at least two weeks prior to a member vote regarding proposed changes to the constitution or statement of faith.