Who We Are

Gospel Fellowship Church seeks to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.  We believe the Bible is inerrant & sufficient for all matters of faith and practice (2 Tim 3:16-17).  Therefore, we continually strive to discern and follow God's model for the local church as revealed in the New Testament.  For more information listen to the sermons on the "Essentials of our Church" HERE.


    At the heart of Gospel Fellowship is a commitment to proclaiming the Gospel.  The Gospel is good news, that even though we were sinners with no chance to save ourselves, God loved us and proved His love by sending His Son Jesus, who took our sins, died in our place, and rose again from the dead. We believe salvation is found only in Christ, and we are saved by grace through faith in Him alone. (Eph. 1:7, 2:1-10). God’s grace not only saves us, but continues to change our hearts, enabling us to live more like Jesus. (Eph 1:4; Titus 2:12; 3:1-8).


    At the heart of Gospel Fellowship is a commitment to Christ-centered community.  It is our desire that all members of GFC are engaged in mutually up-building relationships in which they are being encouraged in their faith, and seeking to encourage faith in others (Eph 4:11-16; 2 Timothy 2:2). Our fellowship meal is an important time of building relationships, and welcoming guests. However, the church building is not the primary place to deepen our relationships with one another. Following the example of the early Christians, we seek to open our homes to one another and bless one another through the ministry of hospitality (Rom 12:13).

  • cHURCH

    At the heart of Gospel Fellowship is a commitment to worship God. We worship God as a local church through prayer, singing, Scripture reading, expository preaching, and communion.  Everyone (all ages) worships together.  In addition to our worship at church, we place a high priority on worship at home, as individuals and families. We refer to these as “corporate worship” and “family worship.”   God wants our worship to overflow into every part of our lives as we live for His glory (Rom 12:1; 1 Cor 10:31).