Men's Ministry

Our Men’s Ministry meets once a month for the purpose of equipping men to grow in the four spheres of discipleship (God, family, church, and the world).  Men are encouraged to bring their sons and grandsons with them to our meetings.  The virtues and character traits from 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1:5-9, and Titus 2:2 serve as the core discipleship goals for men at GFC. It is our desire, by the  power of the Holy Spirit, that our church be filled with men who are increasingly:

  • Faithfully loving, serving, and leading their wives
  • Diligently leading, shepherding, and discipling their children & grandchildren
  • Not arrogant or quick tempered
  • Not violent or greedy for gain
  • Not abusing drugs/alcohol
  • Holy & Disciplined
  • Self-controlled & Upright
  • A lover of good & Hospitable
  • Sober-minded & Dignified
  • Sound in faith, love, and steadfastness
  • Holding firm to the Word of God in order to teach & correct others

Women's Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry meets once a month for the purpose of equipping women to grow in four spheres of discipleship (God, family, church, and the world). Women are encouraged to bring their daughters and granddaughters to our meetings.The virtues and character traits from Titus 2:3-6 serve as the core discipleship goals for women at GFC. It is our desire, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that our church be filled with women who are increasingly:

  • Reverent
  • Not Slanderers
  • Able to teach what is good
  • Faithfully loving, respecting, and helping their husbands
  • Faithfully loving and nurturing their children and grandchildren
  • Kind, Self-controlled, and Pure
  • Ministering to their families
  • Submissive to their husbands
  • Not abusing drugs/alcohol

Youth & Children's

We are passionate about raising up future generations for the glory of God! Just like the early church, we seek to equip parents and grandparents to be the primary spiritual trainers of their children in the home (Eph. 6:4, Acts 2:39).  This is a multi-generational vision for passing faith to the next generation (Deut 6:4-7; Ps 78:5-8).  We welcome and include children in the corporate worship service and seek to grow in multi-generational fellowship.

High School Ministry

STAND is an equip group for youth (ages 8th to 12th grade) that trains them to stand firm in an ever changing culture.  Young adults today face a growing number of challenges to their faith. In a sea of competing voices and worldviews, what is desperately needed is clarity regarding biblical truth. Through fellowship, teaching and discussion the pastors will equip students to stand firm in their faith, rooted and built up in Christ.  Each week the teaching will focus on a specific topic relating to apologetics, worldview, and theology. The aim is to encourage discussion and develop confidence among young adults to stand up for what they believe.

This group meets in homes every 2nd and 4th Sunday night from 6-9pm (dinner included).  Check the weekly email for location. 

"Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm." Ephesians 6:13

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught..." Colossians 2:6-7

College Ministry

We believe that every college student benefits from being part of a local church.  And that the local church benefits from them!  Our heart is to see every college student who attends GFC being discipled by a mentor in the faith. 

In addition to connecting at church, we also have a College Fellowship.  It meets every other Sunday night in homes from 6-9pm (including dinner).  The aim of this time is fellowship, encouragement, worship, and discipleship.  We invite families from church to attend in order to help students and families connect for these discipleship relationships.  

Check the weekly email for details.

Evangelism & Missions

The New Testament church emphasized equipping (Eph. 4:12) and sending believers into the world to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20). Following this model, we seek to train and equip believers to share the Gospel and the love of Christ through hospitality, in their workplace, and in their community.  We pray God will raise up many missionaries from our church to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  Each year we send multiple short term missionaries and are preparing to send long term missionaries as well.

"As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you." 

- Jesus   (John 20:21)

"If there be any one point in which the Christian church ought to keep its fervor at a white heat, it is concerning missions.  If there be anything about which we cannot tolerate lukewarmness, it is in the matter of sending the gospel to a dying world." 

- Charles Spurgeon

Care & Counseling

All members of the church will be under the care of one or more pastors. Pastors will call or meet with each member (or head of household) regularly for encouragement and discipleship. In addition, a pastor will seek to visit the home of each member once a year for encouragement and discipleship. Through these personal relationships, the pastors and deacons of the church will respond to situations requiring special support, financial assistance, or counseling.If you are in need of care or support, please contact Pastor Michael, Pastor Mark, Pastor Jonathan or Pastor Stephen.


"...through love serve one another..." Galatians 5:13

Want to get more involved at GFC?  Each Sunday a team of people come together to help lead and coordinate our worship and fellowship time. Join the team!  Simply send an email to  Our volunteer coordinator will contact you and make sure to get you plugged in!